Source | National recommendations and guidelines from England NICE-NHS7 | National recommendations and guidelines from China Osteoporosis and Bone Mineral Society of the Chinese Medical Association8 |
| Yes | No |
a. Is up to date? | 2011 | 2011 |
b. Is the content based on best available evidences? | Systematic Review | Not stated, only reference list provided. |
c. Is the process for the preparation fully described and transparent? | Detailed description of clinical and cost effectiveness background and assessment for the diagnostic and treatment recommendations. All minutes from meetings are fully available | Not stated. |
d. Are important experts, users and customers involved? | Independent committee with professionals and patient representatives | Not stated. No individual author listed. |
e. Is COI declared and taken account of? | Declared COI. If COI excluded | Not stated |
2. Can we use it? | Yes | Yes |
a. Is it easy to read, understand and apply? | Yes, short version (4 pages). The full version (94 pages) can be a difficult. | Yes. 14 pages (in Chinese) |
b. Does it give us information to improve patient care? | List evidences and give recommendations for different patient groups. | Lists risk stratification tools, diagnostic methods and available treatments. Listed drug treatments in alphabetical order with SFDA approved indications |
What should we recommend based on the case? | Bisphosphonates for the primary prevention of osteoporotic fractures, evidence level 1a. | Lifestyle adjustments such as diet, sunshine and falls prevention. Plus drug treatment, choosing one from bisphosphonates, calcitonins, raloxifene, or strontium. |