Table 1

Total iron content, sedimentation, microbial count and aggregation immediately after dilution in 0.9% NaCl as described in the Material and methods section and after storage for 72 h in polypropylene bottles

100 mg iron in 100 mL200 mg iron in 100 mL500 mg iron in 100 mL
VariableUnitsAcceptability limit0 h72 h0 h72 h0 h72 h
Total iron content% mg/mL±10%
Visual controlNAFree from sedimentsCompliedCompliedCompliedCompliedCompliedComplied
Total viable aerobic microbesCounts per mL<1<1<1<1<1<1<1
Particulate matter ≥10 μmCounts per container≤6000177170221195265215
Particulate matter ≥25 μmCount per container≤600100110
  • NA, not applicable.