Abstract 5PSQ-117 Table 1
High-alert medicationError or reason of doubtProtocol of action
Oral anticoagulantsLack of knowledge of dose and dosage schedule. Transcription of the haematology guideline by the pharmacy service and dispensation of the right dose for each day. Establish INR monitoring protocols.
HeparinConfusion between doses and concentration. Possible confusion with insulins when dosed also in units. Reduce the variety of available presentations and indicate that heparin should be separated from insulin as well as from other drugs that are prescribed in units.
InsulinsConfusion between the different types, marks and concentrations. Prescription by trademark, decrease the number of presentations in the hospital.
Intravenous potassium chlorideStorage of the solutions concentrated in the kits. Remove potassium vials from care units and use pre-mixed potassium prepared by industry or pharmacy service.
Oral metrotexateDaily administration instead of weekly. Treatments conciliation (dosage and frequency of administration) to avoid overdosing.