(A) MOITT Template | |||||||||
PN | AD | Meds Rec | Medicine conversation on admission | Follow-up | Discharge conversation | Discharge date | TTA sent to GP | Meds Rec on discharge | Community pharmacy contacted |
XX | DD/MM/YY | DD/MM/YY | DD/MM/YY | Fail to engage | Unexpected discharge | XX/DD/YY | Y | Y | |
YY | DD/MM/YY | DD/MM/YY | DD/MM/YY | XX/DD/YY | XX/DD/YY | Y | |||
(B) MOCAP template | |||||||||
PN | Meds & Dr plan (WR) | MHA status | MOT care plan | Interventions | PHM | Comments/ learning | Discharge | Date last updated |
AD, admission date; MHA, Mental Health Act; MOCAP, Medicines Optimisation Care Plan; MOITT, Medicines Optimisation Interventions Tracking Tool; MOT, Medicines Optimisation Team; PHM, physical health monitoring; PN, patient name; Meds Rec, medicines reconciliation; TTA, to take away medication; WR, ward round.