Table 1

Characteristics of the hospital patients

Baseline characteristics*2013
 Female (%)58.157.8
 Male (%)41.942.2
Age group
 65–84 years (%)71.870.7
 ≥85 years (%)28.229.3
Type of ward
 Internal medicine (%)39.937.1
 Surgical departments (%)41.240.8
 Geriatrics (%)19.022.1
Sleep-inducing medication at admission
 None (%)67.168.3
 Regular/daily use (%)21.819.8
 Use as needed (prn prescription) (%)3.84.5
 Regular and additional ‘as needed’ (%)3.53.2
 No documentation (%)3.94.2
Psychiatric/neurological disorder
 Any diagnosis (%)24.122.3
 Dementia (%)13.912.3
 Depression (%)9.78.2
 Anxiety or panic disorder (%)1.42.1
 Sleeping disturbance (%)0.60.6
 Any diagnosis and any regular sleep-inducing medication at admission14.212.0
Where the patient came from
 Home (%)66.367.9
 Nursing home (%)14.712.6
 Other hospital (%)6.25.3
 Other department of same hospital (%)12.612.5
 Unknown (%)0.31.7
Length of stay
 Days, mean±SD9.7±7.69.6±8.0
  • *All differences between the two groups were non-significant (p>0.05).