Table 1

Study of the detection sensitivity of visible particles in water-containing vials with and without defects by three methods including manual, semi-automated and automated visual inspection devices

Inspection parametersManualSemi-automatedAutomated
50 mL10 mL50 mL10 mL50 mL10 mL
Number of operators333311
Number of vials inspected888888
Number of inspections11113030
Total number of inspections24242424240240
Total inspection of defect-free vials99999090
Total inspection of defective vials15151515150150
False positive (%)00002242
False negative (%)00002395
Unit specific error rate (%)
Vial #12 and #33 - Glass particles ≥600 µm00000100
Vial #13 and #34 - Glass particles 224 µm00000100
Vial #10 and #32 - Stopper fragments00000100
Vial #6 and #30 - Fibres00004383
Vial #7 and #31 - Fibres00007090
Vial #1 and #27 No defects000000
Vial #2 and #28 No defects00001753
Vial #3 and #29 No defects00005073
Overall accuracy (%)1001001001007825
Overall error rate (%)00002275
  • The study was performed on 50 mL and 10 mL type I moulded or drawn 16 glass vials, respectively.