Table 2

The parameter estimates of final population pharmacokinetic model

Parameter (unit)Model estimateBootstrap results
EstimateRSE%95% CI*Iiv (CV%)η-shrinkageMedian95% CI†
Vc (L)16.3782.28315.641 to 17.11689.8530.46616.4605.110 to 32.423
Vp (L)10.9043.95110.054 to 11.7548.3190.45012.5058.434 to 73.773
Q (L/h)7.6454.0867.029 to 8.26124.4530.2497.5392.919 to 17.858
CL (L/h)11.3573.02410.679 to 12.03535.7480.45611.3679.248 to 14.227
fCrCl 0.4735.1810.425 to 0.521toto0.4680.375 to 0.590
Residual error (proportional error, CV%)
 CV%30.3705.12627.298 to 33.442toto30.53723.936 to 38.133
  • fCrCl is the coefficient representing the relationship between CrCl and CL (Eq. 8), and CL increases as CrCl increases. The IIV decreased from 38.562% (base model) to 35.748% (final model).

  • *The range was calculated by the equation estimate ±1.96 SE.

  • †2.5th and 97.5th percentile of the ranked bootstrap parameter estimates.