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OHP-054 Lifting the Quality of the Daily Service, by Obtaining Consensus Between Pharmacy Technicians with Regard to Generic Drug Prescriptions
  1. S Beier1,
  2. D Thomsen2,
  3. M Wellner1
  1. 1Region Hovedstadens Apotek, Medicinservice Herlev Hospital, Herlev, Denmark
  2. 2Region Hovedstadens Apotek, Medicinservice Hillerød Hospital, Herlev, Denmark


Background After structural changes in the clinical pharmaceutical services at Herlev Hospital (DK), there are now two different pharmacy technicians serving the same ward. This structural change revealed considerable differences in the daily routines and service. This was unsatisfactory to the wards and had a negative effect on the working environment.

Purpose To reach consensus about the level of daily service by focusing on changing prescribing toward generic stock drugs and thereby enabling all staff to conduct a uniform level of service.

Materials and Methods A new educational programme was drawn up and implemented. The educational focus was on drugs that had been obtained by an EU tender, changing prescribing habits toward generic drugs in stock, within ATC-group C and N, and interprofessional communication. Support tools for the new practise were introduced.

The impact of the intervention was measured by an anonymous questionnaire answered by the pharmacy technicians at Herlev Hospital.

Results The response rate was 75%.

The answers on the benefit of the new educational programme were:

  • No benefit at all: 0%, minor benefit: 8%, fair benefit: 53%, high benefit: 22% and no answer: 17%.

  • The answers on the benefit of the support tools were:

  • No benefit at all: 11%, minor benefit: 24%, fair benefit: 28%, high benefit: 28% and no answer: 9%.

All who answered the question (78%) agreed that a consensus had been reached on the daily services. There were variations in answers about shifting prescribing towards generic drugs in stock after the intervention, some experienced a considerable effect and others experienced no difference.

Conclusions The intervention was shown to be effective. Consensus was reached on the level of daily service. The staff is now more comfortable with the daily routines, but some variation in the day to day work still remains.

No conflict of interest.

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