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European statements—second meeting of implementation ambassadors
  1. Stephanie Kohl
  1. European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 1200 Brussels, Belgium
  1. Correspondence to Stephanie Kohl, European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, Brussels 1040, Belgium; Stephanie.Kohl{at}

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On 21 October 2017, the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) held the second meeting of its implementation ambassadors. Twenty-six of the 34 implementation ambassadors of EAHP’s national member countries were in attendance and gave presentations to share their progress, obstacles and plans for further implementation activities.

The European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy express commonly agreed objectives which every European health system should aim for in the delivery of hospital pharmacy services. They were adopted in 2014 by EAHP’s member countries and representatives from both patient and healthcare professional organisations.

EAHP is working with its network of national implementation ambassadors to design implementation strategies within their countries. Since the start of the implementation project in 2016, ambassadors have raised awareness by presenting and introducing the European statements at national events, by translating and adapting awareness materials and through organising national workshops to discuss priorities and next steps. The specific projects that were undertaken by EAHP’s member associations since the last meeting of implementation ambassadors were presented to the group by each country representative.

The second part of the meeting focused on the self-assessment tool which was developed by EAHP to allow individual hospital pharmacists to assess the level of statement implementation within their countries. The primary purpose of EAHP’s self-assessment tool is to help individual hospitals show progress with implementation. Users will be provided with a tailored action plan to assist them in further advancing the implementation of individual European statements in the hospital setting. Keep an eye on EAHP’s statement implementation website where news on EAHP’s self-assessment tool will be made available towards the end of this …

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  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.