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Other Hospital Pharmacy topics (including: medical devices)
Training on pulmonary hypertension designed by a collaborative pharmacy practice†
  1. M.C. Chaumais,
  2. G. Launay-Vacher,
  3. D. Montani,
  4. A. Rieutord
  1. 1Hôpital Antoine Béclère, Pharmacy, Clamart, France
  2. 2Européenne de formation pour les pharmaciens, Pedagogic commitee, Paris, France
  3. 3Hôpital Antoine Béclère, Pneumology, Clamart, France


Background Since 2008, a clinical pharmacy program has been successfully implemented in the French referral centre for pulmonary hypertension (Pulmonary department, Clamart, France). However, the management of this rare and complex disease requires specialist knowledge from physicians and pharmacist residents. Physicians and pharmacist residents often have a limited knowledge of PH. Indeed, upon their arrival, this lack of specialist knowledge could affect PH patient care.

Purpose The aim of this study was to design, implement and assess the training of pharmaceutical and medical residents on PH for before their arrival, in order to optimise patient care.

Materials and methods From February to June 2011, an e-learning program was designed using the Dokeos Learning Management System (LMS). Web accesses were sent to the residents two weeks prior to their arrival. The e-learning course was evaluated for quality by interviewing new residents regarding its form and content. An evaluation of the type of training was also performed.

Results All the new residents appreciated the e-learning tool which was found ‘user friendly’ and suitable for their learning objectives. Four out of five new residents found that e-learning facilitated their integration into the pneumology department. Although individual knowledge of PH was erratic upon arrival, all the residents gained new knowledge demonstrating that e-learning could be a real ‘à la carte’ learning tool. E-learning was also appreciated as a tool of distance learning.

Conclusions The e-learning tool designed in this pilot study by a collaborative pharmacy practice approach improved the resident learning process on PH. Overall, this contributed to better management of patient care. Optimisation and final validation as a continuing medical education tool for PH are required prior to it being made available to other healthcare professionals.

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