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4CPS-187 Effect of ranibizumab in vision-related quality of life in patients diagnosed with retinal pathology
  1. M Hernando1,
  2. MI López2,
  3. MT Sánchez1,
  4. F Manco2,
  5. JI Alonso2,
  6. L Manzanas2
  1. 1Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, Servicio de Farmacia, Valladolid, Spain
  2. 2Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, Servicio de Oftalmología, Valladolid, Spain


Background Ranibizumab is the elected treatment in retinal pathologies, that produces a negative impact on patients’ vision-related quality of life (vrQoL).

Purpose To evaluate the effect of ranibizumab in vrQoL in patients with retinal pathologies.

Material and methods Observational, prospective study approved by the local Ethics Committee.

Included patients were diagnosed with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD), diabetic macular oedema (DME) or branch/central retinal vein occlusion (B/CRVO), who began treatment with intravitreal ranibizumab from February 2014 until all patients achieved 1 year of treatment.

The National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire (NEIVFQ-25)1 was used to assess the vrQoL, by interviewer-administered format (previous informed consent). It is a 25-item questionnaire with 12 subscales. The answer to each question is converted to a 100-point scale: 0 the worst score and 100 the maximum. Items are averaged together to produce the scale score. It was administered before and after 1 year of treatment.

Collected data were sex, age, retinal pathology, affected eye, other ocular pathologies, number of intravitreal ranibizumab injections and best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA).

The statistical analysis was performed using SPSS versión 20. 0.

Results Ninety-three patients were included (59% females, 41% males). Mean age: 74.1±11.1 years.

Retinal pathology nAMD 67% (63/93); DME 21.3% (20/93), BRVO 8.5% (8/93); CRVO 3.2% (3/93).

Affected eye right 43% (40/93), left 31.2% (29/93), bilateral 25.8% (24/93).

Number of intravitreal ranibizumab injections in 1 year: 6.45±2.99.

Ocular pathologies without cataract 48.4% (45/93); cataract without surgery 18.3% (17/93); with surgery (pseudoaphakia) 33.3% (31/93). glaucoma 7.5% (7/93), vitrectomy 3.2% (3/93).

Mean BCVA in the best eye: 0.8±0.7 vs 0.7±0.6 logMAR (p=0.230) baseline and after 1 year, respectively.

NEIVFQ-25 scores baseline and after 1 year, respectively:

Overall composite score: 73,57–76,04; p=0.078.

General health: 39.52–39.52; p=1.

General vision: 56,88–62,37; p=0.001.

Near vision: 63.80–69.22; p=0.023.

Distance vision: 71.44–74.78; p=0.095.

Driving: 68.18–70.33; p=0.529.

Peripheral vision: 76.61–81.72: p=0.087.

Colour vision: 94.32–93.75; p=0.754.

Ocular pain: 78.09–81.99; p=0.144.

Role limitations: 64.92–61.42; p=0.244.

Dependency: 83.97–85.24; p=0.568.

Social function: 84.87–89.27; p=0.055.

Mental health: 66.33–68.39; p=0.323.

Conclusion Ranibizumab improved statistically and significantly general vision and near vision subscales but not the overall composite score during 1 year of treatment. The BCVA kept over the study.

References and/or Acknowledgements 1. Mangione CM. The National Eye Institute 25-Item Visual Function Questionnarie (NEIVFQ-25) scoring algorithmAugust 2000.

No conflict of interest

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