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Other Hospital Pharmacy topics (including: medical devices)
IPERPTO: a new idea for the online hospital drug formulary
  1. S. Cammarata,
  2. S. Adami,
  3. A. Paciello,
  4. F. Del Santo,
  5. S. Simbula,
  6. A. Messori
  1. 1Sifo – project coordinator, Pharmacy, Palermo, Italy
  2. 2Sifo -young Hospital Pharmacist Group Coordinator, Pharmacy, Legnago, Italy
  3. 3Sifo -Iperpto group, Pharmacy, Brescia, Italy
  4. 4Sifo -Iperpto group, Pharmacy, Firenze, Italy
  5. 5Sifo -Iperpto group, Pharmacy, Cagliari, Italy
  6. 6Sifo – project coordinator, Pharmacy, Firenze, Italy


Background In 2008, SIFO, the Italian Hospital Pharmacy Society, has decided to start a project about an on-line drug formulary based on guidelines as a tool of clinical governance. The name of the formulary is ‘IPERPTO’. The introduction of the API in ‘Iperpto’ is only possible if connected to a qualified guideline which determines suitability for use.

Purpose To critically evaluate the quality of the guidelines already entered in' Iperpto'

using as assessment tool Agree instrument already available in Iperpto site.

Materials and methods IperPTO is available at and the new molecule can be added by logging in to

The AGREE II consists of 23 key items organised within 6 domains followed by 2 global rating items (‘Overall Assessment’). Overall assessment includes the rating of the overall quality of the guideline and whether the guideline would be recommended for use in practice.

Results To date the database contains more than 400 active ingredients and 236 Guidelines. Of these, 34% concerns the ‘field of oncology, 10% cardiovascular diseases, 9% musculoskeletal diseases; 6% metabolic and immune system disease, the other equally distributed in other classes ICD (International Classification of Disease). The sources are international, national and local.

Conclusions The ‘iperpto’ is a pilot experience than can be particularly interesting for both regional and local therapeutic committees as a tool for EBM-based evaluation in critical areas such oncology and cardiology. It is essential at this stage to asses the quality of guidelines included in the database and to select the most significant with the active participation by all colleagues.

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