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Enhancing pharmaceutical decision support system: evaluating antithrombotic-focused algorithms for addressing drug-related problems
  1. Arnaud Potier1,
  2. Mathias Ade2,
  3. Béatrice Demoré3,4,
  4. Emmanuelle Divoux5,
  5. Alexandre Dony6,
  6. Edith Dufay1
  1. 1Pharmacy, Centre Hospitalier de Lunéville, Lunéville, France
  2. 2Pharmacy, Centre Psychothérapique de Nancy, Laxou, France
  3. 3Pharmacy, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nancy, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France
  4. 4APEMAC, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France
  5. 5Pharmacie, CH Lunéville, Lunéville, France
  6. 6Service de Pharmacie, Centre Hospitalier de Lunéville, Lunéville, France
  1. Correspondence to Dr Arnaud Potier, Centre Hospitalier de Lunéville, Lunéville 54300, France; apotier{at}


Objectives To evaluate the efficacy of integrating antithrombotic-focused pharmaceutical algorithms (PAs) into a pharmaceutical decision support system (PDSS) for detecting drug-related problems (DRPs) and facilitating pharmaceutical interventions.

Methods A set of 26 PAs (12.4%) out of a total of 210 were created to model patient situations involving antithrombotics, and their contributions were compared with the entire PDSS system.

The observational prospective study was conducted between November 2019 and June 2023 in two health facilities with 1700 beds. Pharmacists, who followed a DRP resolution strategy to support human supervision, analysed alerts generated by these encoded PAs. They registered their interventions and the acceptance by physicians.

Results From 3290 alerts analysed targeting antithrombotics, the pharmacists issued 1170 interventions of which 676 (57.8%) were accepted by physicians. With the 184 other PAs, from 9484 alerts the pharmacists issued 3341 interventions of which 1785 were accepted (53.4%).

Results indicate that the detection of DRPs related to antithrombotics usage represents a high proportion of those detected by the PDSS, highlighting the importance of incorporating tailored PA elements at the modelling stage.

Conclusions The system evolves alongside the physiological changes associated to the patient situations, adapts the alerts and complements the current care. Therefore, we recommend that all PDSS should integrate specific algorithms targeting DRPs associated with antithrombotics to enhance pharmaceutical interventions and improve patient safety.

  • Anticoagulants
  • Medical Informatics

Data availability statement

Data are available upon reasonable request.

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