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PP-004 Compounded Monsel’s agent in gynaecology procedures
  1. A Capacho,
  2. A Alcobia
  1. Hospital Garcia de Orta, Pharmacy, Almada, Portugal


Background Bleeding in biopsies or surgical procedures that requires local haemostasis is achieved by a commercial ferric subsulfate solution, the most effective agent according to the clinical staff. Since this product became commercially unavailable, we compounded an agent in our Pharmacy Department that fulfils the same purpose.

Purpose To design a styptic haemostatic agent that achieves the same clinical purpose. After informed consent, we use this product in routine cervical conisations and gynaecological biopsies.

Materials and methods We compounded a semi-solid dark brown suspension, based on the US Pharmacopoeia monograph (USP29) Ferric Subsulfate Solution. Since May 2013 this product has been used in 42 women undergoing these procedures.

Results As our product is highly acidic (pH = 1) (similar to Monsel’s solution) its application should be avoided in tissues that do not require haemostasis. Therefore, its consistency is of paramount importance and can be adjusted according to individual requirements. In every application the product has been well tolerated and the time to achieve haemostasis is typically less than 20 seconds, the same as the commercial preparation.

Conclusions The prepared agent is safe, effective, quick and easy to prepare and represents a cost reduction of 80% when compared with the commercial product.

No conflict of interest.

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