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Medication reconciliation activities among pharmacists in Europe
  1. Ulrika Gillespie1,
  2. Tommy Eriksson2
  1. 1Department of Patient Safety and Medication, Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden
  2. 2Faculty of Health and Society, Malmö University, Malmo, Sweden
  1. Correspondence to Dr Ulrika Gillespie, Department of Patient Safety and Medication, Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala 751 85, Sweden; ulrikagillespie{at}


Objective To investigate pharmacists' involvement in medication reconciliation (MedRec) and the quality of MedRec processes throughout Europe.

Methods A survey with six questions was sent to delegates from the 30 countries participating in the EAHP Academy Seminar Camp focusing on MedRec. The questionnaire included four questions regarding the status of MedRec on a national level including the prevalence of MedRec, available educations, requirements of the pharmacists and training of new staff.

Results 52 delegates from 29 countries responded (response rate 90%). Only the participants from the UK stated that MedRec is implemented as standard practice in the country. For most countries MedRec is implemented in some hospitals for some patients (13) or as projects (12). In 11 countries a systematic approach was in place for training new staff and 13 countries have courses teaching MedRec. Only five countries had prerequisites for pharmacists performing MedRec.

Conclusions There is great heterogeneity in the implementation rate and standards of practice of MedRec processes including pharmacists in Europe.

  • Medication reconciliation
  • medication safety
  • medication errors
  • pharmacist-led

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